Stop Malware Sooner
LookingGlass NetDefender™ threat mitigation appliances integrate malware defense and balance the needs of network and security architects. NetDefender Safe Sensor Enclaves prevents sensor infections from affecting the enterprise. NetDefender provides comprehensive traffic delivery to multiple instances of multiple vendors’ malware sensor types, delivering the flexibility and scalability required by the most demanding IT environments.
Fastest Action on Threats
Malware detection solutions provide actionable guidance, but action may be difficult with traditional defenses.
The Challenge
The fundamental challenge is illustrated by this excerpt from a NetCitadel (now owned by ProofPoint) case study: Responding to an incident frequently required coordinating with the network operations team through the use of a ticketing system. This hand-off delayed the response by hours, days and sometimes even weeks depending on the load of the network team and their availability, especially given that many of the serious attacks were discovered outside of normal business hours.
Delays enable malware to exfiltrate more data.
NetDefender: Quick Reaction to Threats
A simple API enables malware sensors to request automatic blocking of the most urgent threats, such as confirmed addresses or URLs of malware command and control servers. Security analysts use the NetDefender graphical user interface (GUI) to deploy critical blocking rules that require review.
Balances Needs of Security and Network Architects
The security architect needs to deploy innovative new network solutions. Some require inline deployment, which can conflict with the network architect’s uptime requirements. And the network architect faces expensive and complex traffic delivery solutions for detectors deployed off the data path.
NetDefender Balances Architects Requirements
NetDefender appliances provide a single network access point that delivers traffic to multiple instances of existing and evolving malware sensors. NetDefender fulfills network architects’ uptime requirements with the single, foundational inline presence, and fulfills security architect network defense needs with inline threat blocking and enabling new sensor deployment with a simple configuration change.
NetDefender Operational View

Flexible Appliance Choices

LookingGlass CS-4000E Appliance
The LookingGlass CS-4000E Deep Packet Processing Platform is a converged network application and computing solution enabling flexible and rapid responses to emerging threats and changing network conditions.

LookingGlass CS-4000 Appliance
The LookingGlass CS-4000 Secure Deep Packet Processing platform is a key component of a cybersecurity defense solution holding the U.S. Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) 6/3 Protection Level Five (PL5) accreditation.
NetDefender Appliances
- Stop Malware faster with automated inline threat mitigation
- Deliver a flexible, stable platform that works for networking, IT operations, and security teams
- Copy traffic for each sensor type and for delivery to the organization
- Balance traffic for efficient flow-based distribution among sensor type instances
- Scale sensors more efficiently by blocking known bad traffic
- Balance the needs of Network and Security Architects