
ISO 22301 : Business Continuity Management Systems

The need for effective and realistic business continuity measures is becoming vital as organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the risks of pandemics, theft, power outage, flood, fire and terrorist attacks. Addressing the technology aspects alone and implementing disaster recovery measures is not enough. Consideration must given to the people, physical and information assets that are critical to the survival of the business. Consequently more organizations are exploring the benefits of implementing best practice business continuity management following the guidelines in ISO 22301 ( earlier known as BS25999 upto 2012).

Nanjgel helps organizations implement a robust business continuity management system. We have also developed and conducted realistic, scenario based testing and exercising plans to ensure that the business continuity plan would actually work if invoked.


Business continuity services include:
  • Gap Analysis
  • Threat Assessment
  • Business Impact Analysis
  • Strategy Development
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Business Continuity Testing
  • Staff Awareness Training
  • Compliance with Clause A.14 of ISO 27001

Our consultants include ISO22301 Lead Auditors and members of the Business Continuity Institute.

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