
Phishing Protection:

Learn How To Prevent, Detect, Respond & Recover From Phishing Attacks

Many cyber attacks begin with a phishing email so it makes good sense to learn about these common scams and how you can prevent, detect, respond and recover quickly if it happens to you, your family, or your organization.

Threat Intelligence Services

  • Threat Analysis
    • Watch Desk
    • Brand Protection
    • Dedicated Analysts
  • Response & Takedown Services
    • Phishing Attacks
    • Identity Theft
    • Stolen Credentials
    • Rogue Applications
    • IP Theft
    • Social Media Impersonation
  • Special Investigations Unit
    • Executive Threat Assessments
    • Sensitive Data Disclosure
    • Physical Security

Machine Readable Threat Intelligence

    • Malicious C2
    • Infection Records
    • Malicious URL
    • Phishing
    • Newly Registered Domains
    • Malware Total Lifecycle Protection (TLP) Bundle

Threat Intelligence Management


    Threat Intelligence Platform with 140+ data feeds


    Internal Network Telemetry Correlation


    Configurable Confidence Scoring


    OSINT Customized Tasking & Collection

Threat Mitigation


    Hyper Accelerated Intrusion Detection


    Security Orchestration & Threat Mitigation


    DNS Threat Aware Firewall & Caching

  • Network Appliances:

    CS-2000, CS-4000, CS-4000E

For years, phishing and spearphishing attacks have been a security issue for IT professionals, with criminals increasingly using such attacks as a point of entry to successfully infiltrate personal devices and corporate networks for the purpose of capturing personal information and delivering malware. Now that the Internet, social networks, and applications have become such a big part of daily business and personal life for millions of people around the world, always-on access, along with all of the personal details that people share online, has made it easier than ever for criminals to conduct attacks. Through a combination of social engineering and malicious software, even the savviest customers of well-known brands – or even employees – can be deceived into sharing valuable personal information or installing malware.

Phishing Detection solutions work to protect your business from the earliest stages of a phishing attack, such as pharming and malware, and provide takedown and removal services of phishing websites.

As an industry leader for anti-phishing solutions, LookingGlass offers the following guarantees:

  • Takedown, Staydown™ Lifetime Guarantee – LookingGlass will monitor all phishing attack URLs removed from the Internet by the LookingGlass Security Operations Center for the entire life of the service contract. Upon detecting live phishing activity on a previously removed URL, LookingGlass will immediately commence response procedures – at no additional cost – against the attack URL and continue to monitor for any future appearances
  • Anti-Phishing Detection Guarantee – LookingGlass will detect 100 percent of all phishing attacks ingested targeting your customers when you deploy the LookingGlass Protected Seal and automated fraud feed
  • Anti-Phishing Accuracy Guarantee – LookingGlass will only alert you to authentic and verified phishing attacks, eliminating the risk of false positives and unwarranted customer analysis
  • System Availability Guarantee – LookingGlass Cyber Threat Center has an uptime of 99.999 percent
  • Response Service 100 Percent Commitment Pledge – LookingGlass commits to pursue every phishing response case to its natural conclusion 100 percent of the time

Key Benefits

  • Detect 30 percent more phishing URLs , up to seven hours faster in the same pool of source material as competitors
  • Cover the entire phishing life cycle
  • Early detection of malicious phishing sites
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