
DDI for IoT

Automate management, unify control and strengthen
security of connected devices.


Coping with Scale and IP Transformation

As millions of IoT devices come online driven by 5G, Telco, utility companies, and other businesses are migrating to IP networks. Manual efforts that address IoT device management simply won’t scale and are dogged by errors, duplication, and amplified security risks. Solutions for efficiently managing IP addresses must be implemented to prevent network teams from becoming overwhelmed by manual tasks, to make efficient use of network resources, and, importantly, to preserve the security of the network itself. To cope effectively with IoT, automation using DNS-DHCP-IP Address Management (DDI) has therefore become vital.

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DDI automation & policy-enforced provisioning/deprovisioning accelerates time to market for IoT projects. It eliminates misconfigurations, and enhances security. Global visibility across all networks from a single pane of glass helps IoT device management and control, and is the first point of detection for security breaches including prevention of botnet activity.
Using IPAM as the network source of truth for IP data gives administrators a global accurate view of what is connected to their network. Any IoT device joining is automatically detected by the DHCP service and the IPAM updated accordingly, offering zero touch provisioning as well as protection against shadow IT.
IoT projects tend to be sizable, so management at scale is imperative. Huge numbers of devices will normally require IP addresses, thus considerations include address assignment, management, and configuration automation. This can be achieved only via an intelligent, automated, IPv6-ready DDI solution that ensures network availability for low, variable, or peak traffic demand through capacity optimization.
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EfficientIP DDI solutions go beyond assignment and automation, by enabling policy driven management. An example usage would be for smart cities, where in an IP-based street lighting roll-out the DNS naming convention would enable location of the devices to improve control and maintenance.
To enhance end-user protection, SOLIDserver DNS servers support DNSSEC for securing the integrity of all answers. In the case of IoT data security, this can be critical for avoiding DNS hijacking (e.g. for connected vehicles) and data theft breaches (e.g. for healthcare devices). The DNS servers also allow ciphering of the data traffic through DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS.
Making use of filtering policies combined with deny/allow lists, SOLIDserver DNS helps compensate for IoT security risks by controlling which apps or infrastructure components each IoT device is allowed to access, This helps reduce attack surface, so threats such as large traffic botnets can be mitigated, improving breach containment for combating DDoS attacks and preventing lateral movement of threats.
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