
Cyber Security Made Simple

One Integrated Platform

Experience the power of integrated security

Censornet combines web, email and cloud application security with adaptive identity, so you can stop all attacks. The smart way.

Its autonomous security engine (ASE) is the brains behind the platform, working at machine speed so you don’t have to work like a robot.


You can rest easy

Get round-the-clock protection at lightning speed.
Censornet means confidence and control, day and night.



Over a billion threats are reviewed every day. So that we know the attacks you’ll face before they hit.



Cyber intel is shared so attacks are stopped dead. We keep you ahead of the game.



Plug and play. Or create your own rules. We respond to spam, phishing, and rogue users 24/7.

Not just a pretty dashboard

Our email, web, and cloud application security works seamlessly with powerful identity management. Let them do their work – while you focus on strategic value.

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Autonomous Security Engine (ASE)

Automated Attack Prevention in Real-Time

Censornet’s Autonomous Security Engine (ASE) represents a transformational advance in security – individual engines automatically react at machine speed to attacks and stop them before they even enter the kill chain.

Take your organisation beyond events and alerts and into 24×7 automated attack prevention.

Transforming Security

ASE is a core component of Censornet's single cloud security platform that delivers email security, web security, CASB and MFA. The Autonomous Security Engine enables traditionally silo’d services to share security context, state data and events whilst leveraging world class threat intelligence.

Comprehensive attack prevention

Comprehensive attack prevention

ASE allows core services to share security event, context and state data continuously in real-time. Individual services can automatically react at machine speed to threats and attacks, stopping them before they enter the kill chain.

Single cloud security platform

Censornet’s single cloud security platform eradicates complexity by deeply integrating your core security products.

Consolidating critical security products can save your organisation thousands of dollars and hours lost to managing separate systems, sprawling admin interfaces and portals.

Censornet Autonomous Security Engine leverages the intelligence gathered by the platform about user activity, devices, content and other entities to deliver security outcomes – instead of events and alerts – to already overwhelmed security teams.

Single cloud security platform
Intelligent insight

Intelligent insight

Censornet ASE adds invaluable insight into user application layer activity to SIEM solutions and complements network traffic analysis and endpoint detection and response systems.

Providing user activity information can rapidly explain whether the cause of an observed anomaly – such as a spike in traffic from a specific endpoint – was a result of a legitimate user action or should be investigated.

Integrated threat intelligence

Censornet ASE comes pre-integrated with multiple world class industry leading threat intelligence feeds. ASE is updated 24×7 to automatically protect against new threat actors, without analyst or SecOps involvement.

With ASE activated email security will silently prevent attacks from new “phishy” or “spammy” domains and web security will proactively protect users from visiting new malware distribution sites.

Integrated threat intelligence
Boost productivity. Slash response times

Boost productivity. Slash response times

Censornet ASE automates repetitive low-level SOC actions freeing valuable analyst time to investigate complex incidents. Reacting at machine speed, response times are effectively zero.

For smaller organisations ASE can be game changing – implementing and acting on events and threat intelligence around the clock.

Email Security

Ultra-modern multi-layered email security solutions for your entire organisation from known, unknown and emerging email security threats. Stop large-scale phishing, targeted attacks, impersonation fraud and malware in their tracks with a comprehensive, cloud email security solution.

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Advanced Email Security & Protection

Censornet Email Security solution provides unparalleled and comprehensive protection for your business email users across all major email threats.

Traditional threats

Traditional threats

Including spam, viruses, large-scale phishing attacks and malicious URLs.

Traditional threats

Impersonation attacks

Modern, targeted and sophisticated email threats including Business Email Compromise (BEC) and CEO fraud.

Traditional threats


Incorporates multiple traditional signature based and behavioural AV engines.

How Censornet Email Security works

Email Security is 100% cloud based - making it quick and easy to set up - with just a simple MX record change, your mail flow is immediately protected.


Web Security

Protect your organisation from web-borne malware, offensive or inappropriate content and manage time spent on websites that impact productivity with Censornet Web Security. Powered by a unique architecture that ensures lightning fast response times for all users no matter where they are in the world.

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Total web security for today's threats

The web has changed – secure web gateways haven’t. Censornet Web Security provides next generation protection from all web-related threats.

Traditional threats

Dangerous content

Harmful, offensive, inappropriate or illegal content on malicious pages or hidden deep within legitimate sites.

Traditional threats

Web-borne malware

Malware distribution sites, compromised pages on legitimate sites, malvertising and infected files either downloaded or cloud-shared.

Traditional threats

Inappropriate images

Inappropriate ‘Not Safe For Work’ (NSFW) images - including adult, offensive and extremist content.

How Censornet Web Security works

Unique architecture eliminates the need to proxy web traffic, preserving the user’s real IP address and upholding privacy by allowing the browser to maintain direct communication with the web application server.


Cloud Application Security (CASB)

Censornet Cloud Application Security (CASB) enables your business to discover, analyse, secure and manage user interaction with cloud applications. Achieve complete visibility and control with a full-featured CASB solution and protect your modern mobile workforce. Integrated with Web Security for visibility and protection at every stage of an attack.

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You need a CASB Solution

Cloud applications, approved or not, are transforming the way users and teams communicate, share and collaborate. The threat landscape has changed – Cloud Access Security Brokers are no longer a nice to have.

Advanced malware

Advanced malware

Malware and cloud-only malware is increasing in volume and sophistication - targeting specific cloud apps.

Cloud data security

Cloud data security

Files in cloud shares have overtaken large scale breaches as the number one cause of data loss.

Insider threats & Shadow IT

Insider threats & Shadow IT

Almost 50% of cloud data breaches are the result of malicious or accidental insider actions within cloud apps.

How Censornet CASB works

CASB flexible architecture is deployed using agents or gateways, or both, to meet the needs of organisations of all sizes with exceptional time to value. Users enjoy a fast, unobtrusive experience and the freedom to work however, whenever and wherever they want.


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